Differences between Email and post mail

       In fact, Email and post mail have the same function that transmits the information for people. But why do we say they are different? I have a few opinion about it.
       The first, information has timeliness. The good information should be received on time. Email can send and receive by a short time; however, the post mail has to spend a long time. Thus, Email has timeliness advantage.
       The second, they use the different medium. Email is worked by electricity and internet. The post email is worked by paper and post officer. In nowadays, electricity and internet are cheaper than the labor and paper. Thus, Email has the cost advantage.
       The last, but not least, I can’t say Email has the absolute advantage than post email because post email has some advantages that Email can’t do it. For example, the safety problem. Post email is protected by the law, so post email is higher security and safety. however, Email’s information is not covered by laws. In another word, the Email’s information is easy to be stolen and hard to find who did it.

       In conclusion, Email is post email ramification. Email can replace the most function of post email. But the post email will still exist.




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Shadrach White

What I excited, what I fear