Dot come to Dot Bomb

It is unbelievable how the internet and world-wide website develop so fast. The internet was created less than 100 years; however, the internet is a part of a necessary part of our life. So many website and online Service appear in our vision. Dot bomb seems like a huge business opportunity. Internet companies grow up quickly. We can see the early website such as Yahoo, Sohu, Sina and so on. however, with the bubble, there are so many large internet companies are closed. We can’t jungle the Dot bomb is good or bad. It is like the financial crisis. For the complex internet environment, the Dot bomb is more like a normal evidence. Unfraternally, we must face lots of website or internet companies are closed in the Dot bomb. It even includes some large and famous internet companies. But it is not a terrible thing. Because when virtual world become a free market, the completion also appears. Some companies can’t follow the quick development, they will be kicked out. It is an alarm for everyone. Dot bomb doesn’t end, it will be the delay or come again.




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Shadrach White

What I excited, what I fear