topic for presentation

My topic is about the privacy. The privacy is a tiny part of cybersecurity, but it is very close to our life. I want to talk about the two parts of this topic. The first, people always coercively open the personal information. Whatever you want to do online such as shopping, reading the book, listening to music or just chatting. We are required to register an account. During the register, we have to fill the various question. Sometimes the question is not necessary and non-relative with your account. But we have to coercively accept it if we want to log on the website or app. The second, the personal information is used for the business purpose without people allow. Sometimes, we upload the personal information to the website, but we don’t know the internet company how to process our information. Actually, the internet company can use our information to do many things. Some company could sell our information to others. This is why we have so many advertising Email and calling. some companies could research and analyze the date. For example, the company could research our gender, age, location, credit card information. They can get lots of useful dates. In the present, big data is more and more important and popular. We can say the date is money. We, as the data providers, don’t get any benefits from it. Thus, in my opinion, because of the rapid internet development, the relatively low and policy are hard to follow it. it is the fundamental problem in cybercrime.




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Shadrach White

What I excited, what I fear